QUESTION: Dear Jamaica Herbalist
Hello good day my name is Monique I am 21 years of age.I have been having a east infection problem over couple of years now every minute I have to visit my doctor I have to keep going back because the medication doesn’t seems to be I am a little puzzle because my partner as discharge in me on many occasions but yet i haven’t get pregnant that really puzzle me.when I visit my doctor and a gynecologist they all say i am fine but i am still puzzled. I have heard about the dog blood bush I have access to it but I just want to know how to take it and when to take it.must i drink it as tea or as a medicine? Please im asking for your advice.also could u suggest a next herbal bush that can work along side with the dog blood bush.
RESPONSE: Dear Monica,
You need to clear up the infection attacks first by changing some of your habits and takin relevant herbs. Coconut cream is very good to drive it away. Be sure to review the website for more options. Yes, dog blood bush is good for pregnancy.
Jamaica Herbalist
The above does not constitute professional medical advice. Inhouse senior journalists research and discuss with specialists eg herbalists, as necessary before posting responses. In conclusion, names are changed at times by request.
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Physical office is at Suite # 1, 3 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies. Rates may apply. See more
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- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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